Conacyt CIMAT

Revistas JCR

Reyes, Héctor Cardona, and Jaime Muñoz Arteaga. «Multidisciplinary production of interactive environments to support occupational therapies.» Journal of biomedical informatics 63 (2016): 90-99.

Arteaga, Jaime Munoz, Hector Cardona Reyes, and Francisco Acosta Escalante. «Hand rehabilitation patterns for designing interactive environments.» IEEE Latin America Transactions 14.2 (2016): 922-929.

Reyes, Héctor Cardona, and Jaime Muñoz Arteaga. «Occupational therapy for people with physical disability using interactive environments.» Universal Access in the Information Society 17.1 (2018): 67-81.

Jaramillo-Avila, Uziel, and Sean R. Anderson. "Foveated image processing for faster object detection and recognition in embedded systems using deep convolutional neural networks." Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Springer, 2019.

Jaramillo-Avila, Uziel, et al. "An address event representation-based processing system for a biped robot." International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2016

Jose Torres-Jimenez; Carlos Lara-Alvarez; Alfredo Cardenas-Castillo; Roberto Blanco-Rocha; Oscar Puga-Sanchez (2021). Three Representations for Set Partitions. IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 34604-34625.

Hugo Mitre-Hernandez, Roberto Covarrubias Carrillo, Carlos Lara-Alvarez. Pupillary Responses for Cognitive Load Measurement to Classify Difficulty Levels in an Educational Video Game: Empirical Study (2021), JMIR Serious Games.

Carlos Lara-Alvarez and Fernando Gonzalez (2020). Testing multiple polynomial models for eye tracker calibration. Behavior Research Methods, 4, 2020.

Aroca F., Gómez-Morales M. and León-Cardenal E. On Archimedean zeta functions and Newton polyhedra. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 473 (2019), 1215--1233.

Albarracín-Mantilla Adriana A. and León-Cardenal E. Igusa's zeta functions and exponential sums for arithmetically non degenerate polynomials. Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 30(1) (2018), 331--354.

León-Cardenal E. An explicit formula for the local zeta function of a Laurent polynomial. Journal of Number Theory 173 (2017), 230--242.

León-Cardenal E., Ibadula D. and Segers D. Poles of the Igusa local zeta function of some hybrid polynomials. Finite Fields Appl. 25 (2014), 37--48.

León-Cardenal E., Veys W. and Zúñiga-Galindo W. A. Poles of Archimedean zeta functions for analytic mappings. J. London Math. Soc. 87(1) (2013), 1--21.

J. Gonzalez-Trejo, D. Mercado-Ravell*, I. Becerra and R. Murrieta-Cid. On the Visual-based Safe Landing of UAVs in Populated Areas: a Crucial Aspect for Urban DeploymentIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and IROS presentation, 2021. AcceptedarXiv:2102.13253. IF=3.741, Q2 [preprint]

A. Manzanilla, S. Reyes, M. Garcia, D. Mercado-Ravell* and R. Lozano. Autonomous Navigation for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles: Real-Time Experiments using Computer Vision. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and ICRA19 presentation, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1351-1356, April 2019. doi: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2895272. Q1 [download]

E. Guerrero, D. Mercado-Ravell, R. Lozano and C. García. Swing-Attenuation for a Quadrotor transporting a Cable-Suspended Payload. ISA Transactions, 2017, 10.1016/j.isatra.2017.01.027. Q1 [download]

D. Mercado-Ravell, M. Maia and J. Diez. Modeling and Control of Unmanned Aerial/Underwater Vehicles using Hybrid Control. Control Engineering Practice, 2018, Vol. 76, pp. 112-122. 10.1016/j.conengprac.2018.04.006 . Q2 [download]

D. Mercado-Ravell, M. Maia and J. Diez. Aerial-Underwater Systems, a new paradigm in Unmanned Vehicles. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Springer, 2018, 10.1007/s10846-018-0820-x. Q2 [download]

J. Gonzalez-Trejo and D. Mercado-Ravell*. Lightweight Density Map Architecture for UAVs Safe Landing in Crowded Areas. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Springer. 102, 7 (2021). Q2 [download]

D. Mercado-Ravell*, P. Castillo and R. Lozano. Sliding Mode Collision-Free Navigation for Quadrotors using Monocular Vision. Robotica, 2018, 1-17. doi:10.1017/S0263574718000516. Q3 [download]

L.A. Pinedo-Sánchez, D. Mercado-Ravell*, and C.A Carballo-Monsivais. Vibration analysis in bearings for failure prevention using CNN. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. Springer, 42, 628 (2020). doi:10.1007/s40430-020-02711-w. Q3 [download]

M. García-Venegas, D. Mercado-Ravell* and C. Carballo-Monsivais.. On the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users by Cyclist Orientation Detection using Deep Learning. Machine Vision and Applications, 2021. Accepted, arXiv:2004.11909. IF=2.012, Q3 [preprint]

Mitre‐Hernandez, H, Sanchez‐Rodriguez, J, Zatarain‐Cabada, R, Barron‐Estrada, L. Assessing cognitive load using oculometrics to identify deceit during interviews. Appl Cognit Psychol. 2019; 33: 312– 321.

C. A. Lara, H. Mitre-Hernandez, J. Flores and H. Perez, "Induction of Emotional States in Educational Video Games through a Fuzzy Control System," in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.

Mitre-Hernandez, H., Lara-Alvarez, C., Gonzalez-Salazar, M., Mejia-Miranda, J., & Martin, D. (2016). User experience management from early stages of computer game development. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 26(08), 1203-1220.

González-Salazar, M., Mitre-Hernández, H., & Lara-Alvarez, C. (2017). Method for Game Development Driven by User-eXperience: A Study of Rework, Productivity and Complexity of Use. Mechanics, 13, 14

Fatima Oliva-Palomo, Anand Sanchez-Orta, Hussain Alazki, Pedro Castillo, Aldo-Jonathan Muñoz-Vázquez. "Robust global observer position-yaw control based on ellipsoid method for quadrotors." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 158, 2021.

Fatima Oliva-Palomo, Aldo J. Muñoz-Vázquez, Anand Sánchez-Orta, Vicente Parra-Vega, Carlos Izaguirre-Espinosa and Pedro Castillo. "A Fractional Nonlinear PI-structure Control for Robust Attitude Tracking of Quadrotors." IIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2019.

Fatima Oliva-Palomo, Anand Sanchez-Orta, Pedro Castillo, and Hussain Alazki. "Nonlinear ellipsoid based attitude control for aggressive trajectories in a quadrotor: Closed-loop multi-flips implementation." Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 77, 2018.

Conferencias Internacionales

Jaramillo-Avila, Uziel, et al. "Visual saliency with foveated images for fast object detection and recognition in mobile robots using low-power embedded GPUs." 19th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR). IEEE, 2019

J. Gonzalez-Trejo and D. Mercado-Ravell*, Dense Crowds Detection and Surveillance with Drones using Density Maps, 2020 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Athens, Greece, 2020. [download]

B. A. Yam-Viramontes and D. Mercado-Ravell*, Implementation of a Natural User Interface to Command a Drone, 2020 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Athens, Greece, 2020. [download]

M. Maia, D. Mercado-Ravell and J. Diez. Design and Implementation of Multirotor Aerial-Underwater Vehicles with Experimental Results. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, 2017. [download]